Thursday, January 26, 2006

She chops

This one is for you, Ms. Adams:



Dissident Sister said...

I've just wet myself. Thanks for nothing, Hendrickson!

She said...

Oh man, that really takes me back. I can just hear Eb singing it in high school French class: "Choppin' broccolaaaay..."

Dissident Sister said...

It physically pains me that people have that memory of me. Doesn't anyone remember me doing something cool? While wearing something awesome? And dropping hundred dollar bills and stuff?

No, everyone remembers the crackhead stuff.

Electric Mayhem said...

If you recall, I sang that song along with you, so if you're a crackhead, I'm a crackhead.

(wouldn't you like to be a crackhead, too? the new version of the Pepper song)

She said...

I remember a chant about Paul Revere while wearing bangle bracelets and dropping quarters. Is that close enough? Granted, that was 2nd grade. A hundred dollar bill would have bought you an awful lot of milk in the Deming cafeteria.

Dissident Sister said...

"I remember a chant about Paul Revere while wearing bangle bracelets and dropping quarters."


I have no...did I...what in the...

In my defense, the psychic trauma of moving from Virgina to Wyoming at age 6 probably broke my brain.

On the other hand, you could have remembered worse things from that era:

1. I once had a crush on Glenn Hales (No words. I have no words)
2. I took up the habit of pointless and nearly continual lying
3. My head made up 7/8 of my body weight