Tuesday, July 29, 2008

More Up!

93. In the Pineapple Express commercial, when Seth Rogan puts his gun to his nose and says it smells like tapioca.
93. "Ghostwriter (Remix)" - RJD2
94. Jasmine's sense of humor, and her willingness to accept the people in her life the way they are
95. Seeing how naturally Caroline has taken to motherhood, and what a good job she and KB are doing with Nolan
96. Guacamole parties with cool, new people
97. Julie's success, and her happy life with Andrew
98. Watching Red Sox games with Casey
99. Eating at Toi on Sunset with Jody
100. Listening to Todd's funny outlook on life
101. My consistent, 24-year friendship with Amy
102. Swedes, Please
103. Going to shows at UCB-LA
104. Fat babies
105. Bagel Nosh in Santa Monica - FINALLY good, NY-ish bagels in LA
106. Driving down San Vicente Blvd on the Westside and hitting only green lights until 26th st.
107. The fact that even after 12 years, I still have to sometimes pinch myself when I drive down Sunset Blvd to believe that I live here
108. Pane e Vino
109. That clean laundry can sometimes feel like a new wardrobe
110. The miraculous birth and good health of Teagan
111. Jen-Jen's car dance to the Backstreet Boys

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