Thursday, July 24, 2008


55. Hibachi House frozen Chinese food
56. Henryetta, my favorite stuffed animal and my most prized possession
57. Tejava iced tea
58. Clueless
59. Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion
60. "Letters from LA" - short story in The Informers, by Bret Easton Ellis
61. Talking shop
62. How quiet Santa Monica can get at 9:30pm
63. Three-way IMs with Dru & Joy
64. A good haircut
65. Christmas decorations at any mall
66. Having coffee with my friend Jeff
67. The Friends Thanksgiving episode where Rachel makes the trifle and Phoebe dreams of Jacques Custeau
68. School supplies
69. Reading a really introspective quote about love or life or disappointment that makes me reflect on my own
70. Really good-fitting underwear
71. Listening to comedians drop their cynical nature to talk about other comics they really admire
72. Knowing in my gut that I made the right decision
73. Robert Downey, Jr.
74. Ryan Adams' Gold
75. Getting enough sun on my face to make my cheeks pink
76. Revolving restaurants
77. A meal of a sandwich, a cookie, and a beer
78. The scattered moments that last about 90 seconds when I think that I might actually know what I'm doing
79. The ballet of umbrellas in NYC when it rains
80. Being old enough to know that I know nothing
81.Wine from 2004
82. "Aristotle with the Bust of Homer" -Rembrandt painting in Gallery 13 at the Met in NY
83. The Fricke Museum in NY
84. REM, and how Automatic for the People takes me back to college unlike any other album
85. Knowing that Los Angeles is my home
86. The Black Crows cover of "Hard to Handle"
87. Shopping with Amy and allowing her to talk me into buying things I don't want, and then later on realizing she's right
88. Having Broccoli in LA and seeing her appreciate all the great stuff the city has to offer
89. Riding in Victoria's convertible down Sunset Bl.
90. Free wi-fi
91. Make-up days at Barneys with girlfriends
92. Friends who make an attempt to understand why I am the way I am or why I do the things I do in the way I do them, and love me anyway


Anonymous said...

and that's why we love jenny henny. miss you lots!

She said...

Am I a #92?! I wanna be a #92!