Monday, November 14, 2005

Jasmine Ong is a rock star

I was ruminating on my way to work today about the mission statement of this blog, and among the many points I came up with (which I'll go into another time, some even involve NOT talking about my hangovers), I decided for this instance I'd do a shout-out to a good friend of mine.

Some of you were lucky enough to have met Jasmine either when she was my roommate or while she was out here visiting a couple of years ago. I missed her birthday last month, so what better way to make it up to her than in a public forum.

Jasmine and I lived together for a little over two years, and she's by far been my favorite roommate. We shared enough in common to hold each other's interest (midwestern born, art lovers, music freaks) in addition to being different enough to make it interesting. Of all the memories we shared, my favorites involved the times we'd hang in the living room and bullshit and crack each other up. I was privileged to bear witness to her terrific talents as a friend, and have since been fortunate enough to be included in that group.

Travel took her away from LA in 2003, and she's now found a good place in Dallas to pursue her career in jewelry making (some of you have seen the awesome stuff she's made and given me). By the grace of technology, we've managed to keep in touch sporadically.

Anyway, congrats on another year, dude! I hope it rocked.

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